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姓   名:李林源  籍贯:河北沧州



邮   箱:lilinyuan@bjfu.edu.cn





2016.09–2020.06 北京师范大学,地图学与地理信息系统  博士

2017.11-2019.12 法国国家农业、食品与环境研究院(INRAe) 联合培养博士

2014.09–2016.06 北京师范大学,地图学与地理信息系统  硕转博

2010.09–2014.06 长安大学,遥感科学与技术  学士



2020.08–至今 北京林业大学 欧宝在线(中国)股份有限公司官网 森林经理学科 讲师






[1] Li, L., Mu, X.*, Qi, J., Pisek, J., Roosjen, P., Yan, G., Huang, H., Liu, S., Baret, F., 2021. Characterizing soil background BRDF in open forests using UAV-based multi-angular images. ISPRS J. Photogramm. Remote Sens. 177, 263-278.  

[2] Li, L., Mu, X.*, Macfarlane, C., Song, W., Chen, J., Yan, K., Yan, G., 2018. A half-Gaussian fitting method for estimating fractional vegetation cover of corn crops using unmanned aerial vehicle images. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 262, 379–390.       

[3] Li, L.*, Mu, X., Chianucci F., Qi, J., Jiang, J., Zhou, J., Chen, L., Huang, H., Yan, G., Liu, S., 2022. Ultrahigh-resolution boreal forest canopy mapping: combining UAV imagery and photogrammetric point clouds in a deep-learning-based approach. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation.                                                

[4] Yan, G., Li, L.*, Coy, A., Mu, X., Chen, S., Xie, D., Zhang, W., Zhou, H., 2019. Improving the estimation of fractional vegetation cover from UAV RGB imagery by colour unmixing. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 158, 23–3.

[5] Lin, S., He, Z., Huang, H., Chen, L., Li, L.*, 2022. Mixed forest-specific calibration of the 3-PGmix model parameters from site observations to predict post-fire forest regrowth. Forest Ecology and Management.

[6] Li, L., Mu, X.*, Soma, M., Wan, P., Qi, J., Hu, R., Tong, Y., Zhang, W., Yan, G., 2020. An iterative-mode scan design of terrestrial laser scanning in forests for minimising occlusion effect. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens.                                         

[7] Li, L., Chen, J., Mu, X.*, Li, W., Yan, G., Xie, D., Zhang, W., 2020. Quantifying understory and overstory vegetation cover using UAV-based RGB imagery in Forest plantation. Remote Sensing.   2020. 12, 298-312.       



[1] 基于无人机遥感的单木尺度叶面积指数与叶绿素含量反演研究 (No. 4210010195), 2022-2024,基金委青年项目,24万元,主持,在研.

[2] 基于无人机影像与点云融合数据的森林冠层覆盖度估算 (No. 2020M680402), 2020-2022, 博后面上项目,8 万元,主持,在研.

[3] 基于无人机数据自监督学习的复杂林地冠层覆盖度估算 (No. OFSLRSS202113),2021-2023,遥感科学国家重点实验室开放课题,6万元,主持,在研.

[4] 《林业无人机遥感理论与应用》案例实践课程建设 (No. BJFU2021JY006), 2021-2022, 北京林业大学教学改革项目, 0.6万元,主持,在研.


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