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姓  名:杨钦淞




邮  箱:qsyang@bjfu.edu.cn


2015.9-2020.6 浙江大学,果树学 博士

2011.9-2015.6 浙江大学,园艺学 学士


2020.9-至今 北京林业大学,欧宝在线(中国)股份有限公司官网森林培育学科,讲师





2)高温通过促进GA合成打破栓皮栎种子上胚轴休眠的机制研究(国家自然科学基金青年基金,No. 32201544),2023.01.01-2025.12.3130万元,主持

3)基于SDH2序列变异的栎树种间水解单宁含量差异机制研究(中国博士后科学基金,No. 2021M700451),2022.01-2023.088万元,主持

4)高温处理提高栓皮栎出苗整齐度的机制研究(北京林业大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目,No. 2021ZY11),2021.06-2022.1212万元,主持

5) 蒙古栎、栓皮栎资源评价及栎类新种质创制技术研究(“十四五”国家重点研发计划子课题,No. 2021YFD2200302-02),2021.12.01-2026.11.30325万元,参与


1)      Yang Q, Chen X, Li J, Pei Z, Chen Y, Liu P, Yu Z, Liu Y, Li G* (2023) HB26, a member of HD-Zip I subfamily, is involved in the regulation of hydrolysable tannin biosynthesis in the cupules of Quercus variabilis by transactivation of UGT84A13. Industrial Crops and Products 200:116866.

2)      Yang Q*, Wu X, Gao Y, Ni J, Li J, Pei Z, Bai S, Teng Y* (2022) PpyABF3 recruits the COMPASS-like complex to regulate bud dormancy maintenance via integrating ABA signaling and GA catabolism. New Phytologist 237: 192-203.

3)      Pei Z#, Yang Q#, Chen X, Zong Y, Li J, Yang X, Huo C, Chen Y, Luo N, Kang J, Meng X, Li Y, Zhou H, Wang J, Liu Y, Li G* (2022) Population study reveals genetic variation and introgression of four deciduous oaks at the junction between Taihang Mountain and Yanshan Mountain. Forests 13 (10):1647.

4)      Yang Q, Gao Y, Wu X, Moriguchi T, Bai S*, Teng Y (2021) Bud endodormancy in deciduous fruit trees: advances and prospects. Horticulture Research 8(1):139.

5)      Gao Y#, Yang Q#, Yan X, Wu X, Yang F, Li J, Wei J, Ni J, Ahmad M, Bai S*, Teng Y (2021) High-quality genome assembly of ‘Cuiguan’ pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) as the reference genome to identify regulatory genes and epigenetic modifications responsible for bud dormancy. Horticulture Research 8: 197.

6)      Song X, Duan X, Chang X, Xian L, Yang Q*, Liu Y* (2021) Molecular and metabolic insights into anthocyanin biosynthesis during leaf coloration in autumn. Environmental & Experimental Botany 190:104584.

7)      Song X, Yang Q*, Liu Y*, Li J, Chang X, Xian L, Zhang J (2021) Genome-wide identification of Pistacia R2R3-MYB gene family and function characterization of PcMYB113 during autumn leaf coloration in Pistacia chinensis. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 192: 16-27.

8)      Wang Y#, Yang Q#, Zhu Y, Zhao L, Ju P, Wang G, Zhou C, Zhu C, Jia HJ, Jiao Y, Jia HM*, Gao Z* (2022) MrTPS3 and MrTPS20 are responsible for β-caryophyllene and α-pinene production, respectively, in red bayberry (Morella rubra). Frontiers in Plant Science 12: 798086.

9)      Yang Q, Yang B, Li J, Wang Y, Tao R, Yang F, Wu X, Yan X, Ahmad M, Shen J, Bai S*, Teng Y* (2020) ABA-responsive ABRE-BINDING FACTOR3 activates DAM3 expression to promote bud dormancy in Asian pear. Plant, Cell &Environment 43 (6):1360-1375.(封面论文,高被引论文)

10)  Yang Q, Niu Q, Tang Y, Ma Y, Yan X, Li J, Tian J, Bai S*, Teng Y* (2019) PpyGAST1 is potentially involved in bud dormancy release by integrating the GA biosynthesis and ABA signaling in ‘Suli’ pear (Pyrus pyrifolia White Pear Group). Environmental & Experimental Botany 162:302-312.

11)  Yang Q#, Niu Q#, Li J, Zheng X, Ma Y, Bai S*, Teng Y* (2018) PpHB22, a member of HD-Zip proteins, activates PpDAM1 to regulate bud dormancy transition in 'Suli' pear (Pyrus pyrifolia White Pear Group). Plant Physiology & Biochemistry 127:355-365.

12)  Wei J, Yang Q, Ni J, Gao Y, Tang Y, Bai S, Teng Y* (2022) Early defoliation induces auxin redistribution, promoting paradormancy release in pear buds. Plant Physiology kiac426.

13)  Ni J, Liao Y, Zhang M, Pan C, Yang Q, Bai S, Teng Y* (2022) Blue light simultaneously induces peel anthocyanin biosynthesis and flesh carotenoid/Sucrose biosynthesis in mango fruit. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 70 (50):16021-16035.

14)  Yang X, Yang N, Zhang Q, Pei Z, Chang M, Zhou H, Ge Y, Yang Q, Li G* (2022) Anthocyanin biosynthesis associated with natural variation in autumn leaf coloration in Quercus aliena accessions. International Journal of Molecular Science 23 (20):12179.

15)  Li J, Yan X, Ahmad M, Yu W, Song Z, Ni J, Yang Q, Teng Y, Zhang H*, Bai S* (2021) Alternative splicing of the dormancy-associated MADS-box transcription factor gene PpDAM1 is associated with flower bud dormancy in 'Dangshansu' pear (Pyrus pyrifolia White Pear Group). Plant Physiology & Biochemistry 166:1096-1108.

16)  Wang Y, Jia H*, Shen Y, Zhao H, Yang Q, Zhu C, Sun D, Wang G, Zhou C, Jiao Y, Chai C, Yan L, Li X, Jia H, Gao Z* (2020) Construction of an anchoring SSR marker genetic linkage map and detection of a sex-linked region in two dioecious populations of red bayberry. Horticulture Research 7:53.

17)  Bai S#, Tao R#, Yin L, Ni J, Yang Q, Yan X, Yang F, Guo X, Li H, Teng Y* (2019) Two B-box proteins, PpBBX18 and PpBBX21, antagonistically regulate anthocyanin biosynthesis via competitive association with Pyrus pyrifolia ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL 5 in the peel of pear fruit. The Plant Journal 100 (6):1208-1223. (高被引论文)

18)  Li J, Yan X, Yang Q, Ma Y, Yang B, Tian J, Teng Y, Bai S (2019) PpCBFs selectively regulate PpDAMs and contribute to the pear bud endodormancy process. Plant Molecular Biology 99 (6):575-586.

19)  Ahmad M, Li J, Yang Q, Jamil W, Teng Y, Bai S* (2019) Phylogenetic, Molecular, and Functional Characterization of PpyCBF Proteins in Asian Pears (Pyrus pyrifolia). International Journal of Molecular Science 20 (9):2074.

20)  Bai S#, Tao R#, Tang Y, Yin L, Ma Y, Ni J, Yan X, Yang Q, Wu Z, Zeng Y, Teng Y* (2019) BBX16, a B-box protein, positively regulates light-induced anthocyanin accumulation by activating MYB10 in red pear. Plant Biotechnology Journal 17:1985-1997.(高被引论文)

21)  Ahmad M, Yan X, Li J, Yang Q, Jamil W, Teng Y, Bai S* (2018) Genome wide identification and predicted functional analyses of NAC transcription factors in Asian pears. BMC Plant Biology 18 (1):214.

22)  Tao R, Bai S, Ni J, Yang Q, Zhao Y, Teng Y* (2018) The blue light signal transduction pathway is involved in anthocyanin accumulation in 'Red Zaosu' pear. Planta 248 (1):37-48.

23)  杨锋, 杨钦淞, 高雨豪, 马云晶, 许英, 滕元文, 白松龄 (2021). 梨愈伤组织双靶点CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑系统的建立. 园艺学报, 48(5): 873-882.

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